Logo du Musée Granet
    • Guided tours

    Early paintings family tour

    Vue de Rome avec Saint-Jean des Florentins Caspar van Wittel (1653-1736) - Huile sur toile, 56,5 x 109,7 cm - Donation Bourguignon de Fabregoules, 1860 - Photo Claude Almodovar / Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence

    Learn more about life in the time of the Sun King through symbols hidden in paintings.
    Duration : 1h

    Visit in English
    > At 2: 30 on Wednesday 29 January and 26 February 2025.


    For parents and children aged 7 and over.
    Price: entrance fee + €4,50
    Reservation required: 04 42 52 88 32or granet-reservation@mairie-aixenprovence.fr



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